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Oratories capable of plurality

"In fact, especially in some large cities, but now also in smaller towns, the oratory has expanded to become a place where everyone is welcomed, where the community has opened itself up to host many who are not yet part of the church community. It is the place where the whole civil society builds its own future, discovering a new way of doing interculturalism, of mixing experiences, of creating new democratic regimes.
The oratory demonstrates, with its youthful vibrancy in particular, but also with the involvement of the entire intergenerational community, that a clear ecclesial and charismatic identity knows how to combine clarity of self with welcoming all, that truth and welcoming of neighbor are not at odds, and strong identity is by definition a place of openness and a home for all.
The starting point is not proselytism, not even religious indifferentism or dialogism, but missionary love and educational care for all, making the oratory - and thus the ecclesial community - a laboratory of competent and continuous intercultural and religious dialogue.

[excerpt from the Dossier "Oratory: the multicultural challenge" by Youth Ministry Notes]

We identify in the oratory a potential for plurality and dialogue to which we dedicate a thematic week to gather the experiences, needs, labors, and good practices that oratories live by confronting multi-religious, multi-cultural, and multi-linguistic society.
During the summer and the opening of the Summer Recreation Centers, for example, the oratory strongly confronts the plurality that does not always inhabit the other spaces and times of the Church. This is an opportunity to recognize and value everyone's stories and cultures by sharing time and experiences.
IncontraCRE, the result of collaboration between the pastoral offices of the Diocese of Bergamo (since 2020, Fileo and UPEE), brings the theme of interculturality to the Summer Recreation Centers and with the lightness of play wishes to leave some useful hints for intercultural pastoral care in parishes, neighborhoods and villages.  

For more.
"Oratory and after-school programs, an intercultural workshop", a seminar sponsored by Caritas Ambrosiana and the Diocesan Foundation for Milanese Oratories
"Oratory: the multicultural challenge" by Youth Ministry Notes.
"Cross-culturalism at the Oratory" text contained in "Raccontarsi e lasciarsi raccontare. Experiments in Islamic-Christian dialogue."

We are available to gather experiences and to bring the great theme of interculturalism to oratories with training or animative activities for educators, youth, teens and children.

For information write to narrazione@fileo.it